International Philanthropy Advisory

There are no limits to your charitable goals and asset plans as our global orientation and our specialised experts with strong international competencies provide you with the comprehensive backbone you need for the successful implementation of your objectives.
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What to expect from us

Through our interdisciplinary approach and our global presence, we understand not only how international foundations need to be set up, but also what this means from a legal and tax point-of-view.

The foundation generally represents an independent asset that is made available by a philanthropist for a specific permanent purpose. The founder withdraws certain parts or all of his or her assets from the direct power of disposal and dedicates them to the foundation. The foundation has its own legal status and is the bearer of its own rights and obligations.

The charitable foundation is an excellent planning instrument for persons who have neither descendants nor other close relatives whom they would like to appoint as heirs or persons who wish to make their assets available to the general public for other reasons.

Should you be considering setting up a foundation, we are the right partner to realise your plans. You propose the idea and we understand the path to its success. We take into account your personal environment as well as the economic and legal framework and are able to guide you through all phases of the process thanks to our close ties with banks and authorities.

What sets us apart


Providing you with personal and individualised advice is our top priority. To this end, we always remain in close contact with you in order to understand you and your environment and fully internalise your goals.


Our experts with many years of experience in the realisation of philanthropic goals are at your side with advice and support. By identifying with you and your goals, we always work with the highest level of commitment.


We are interdisciplinary and operate across our various specialist departments. This enables us to offer you maximum flexibility for each of your needs and to always adapt quickly to new requirements and challenges.

Personal and without obligation – get in touch

Raphael Cica
Raphael Cica
Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., TEP / Dip(ITM)

More philanthropic services

Swiss Charitable Foundation

We advise and assist you in setting up and promoting a legally compliant foundation that pursues your charitable goals.

Philanthropy in Switzerland and abroad

We internalise your goals and desire to make a difference in society. Through our individualised service, advice and personal guidance throughout your plan, we ensure that you can sustainably preserve, grow and bestow your wealth.
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